Random Grumblings

With all of the incredible tech bargains out there right now, I've caught myself wishing I needed something. Fortunately, the lack of ready cash has kept me from discovering a new "need."

When am I going to learn that the shortest distance to Menard's or Home Depot does not include making a stop at Lowes to learn that what I need 1) is out of stock and 2) if it were in stock, would have been priced 125% to 150% higher than other stores. Like that annoying haiclub guy on TV, I'm both a shareholder and a customer, so it disappoints me doubly when the empty bin represents both the most economical alternative for its item class and the most popular and therefore would be selling like hotcakes if the bin weren't empty. Their shareholder reports are full of complex spin explanations of why their business sucks right now, but I can't help but think that fixing their stock-flow system would probably be a giant step in the right direction.

Why do people call realists "cynics?" Or are we just usually both? Is there a causal relationship in there somewhere? Inquiring bears need to know.

Obama's Press Conference
I don't know if Obama is going to fix things or make them worse, and I think anybody who says they do know is either delusional or lying, But there's one thing about our president that's undeniable: the man could sell wood-stoves in hell! I know that I'm not in his target audience, but even I came away from it with my spirits lifted. It wasn't anything he said, but it is just so incredibly reassuring and refreshing to have a guy living in the White House who's articulate, brilliantly intelligent, and can think on his feet, that even my cynical ol' bear self can't help but feel better after seeing him bat the hostile questions from Fox news right out of the park.

Every time I saw Bush on TV, I couldn't help but think "There goes a guy for whom finding his own way home from the outhouse in the dark describes the outer edge of his intellectual capacity."

Updates on some previous posts
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about our wonderful media watchdogs that progressed into a Bear's Brief History of the 2008 Election and ended with a teaser for a continuation on those thoughts. It's still coming. It's in there. But I'm currently hooked on the political soap opera in Washington, and it seems like at the end of every day's adventures, current events have caused my thoughts to morph a little. I hope I'm not unconsciously waiting for the story to end before I post my next chapter. Ha!

In that same line, about a month ago I wrote about a personal project I was working on that sounded like it all was about to burst into flower. It's coming along, but . . . (see preceding paragraph) I got some good tips about hosts and have picked one and registered. Thanks for your help. As for blossoms, when there's something to read there, I'll post a link here and you can take a look if you want.

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