Best 'Shaving Cream' Also the Least Expensive

For whatever reason, I'm one of those guys who can't shave with an electric shaver.  I've tried them all, and they all tear my face to shreds, with little red spots all over (especially on my neck) quickly followed by so many zitts that you'd think I was the world's oldest adolescent.  I've got a really tough beard that grows at bizarre angles to my face and skin that's so tender that a mere touch leaves a mark that lasts for hours.  Gotta love those Celtic genes, eh? 

For years, I've been using a manual razor and shaving in the shower, which softens my beard even more.  A few weeks ago, I was out of my favorite shave cream (Edge for sensative skin) and desperately needed to knock the whiskers off my face.  Being an inventive sort, I grabbed a bottle of hair conditioner someone had left behind (I've got nothing to condition) and slathered it on my face.  All I can say is 'WOW!' 

Plain old generic (store brand, in this case) hair conditioner gave me the smoothest shave I've ever had and left my skin feeling like a million bucks.  Who knew?  An 88-cent (for 32 oz) bottle of generic hair conditioner beat the hell out of the $3.50 (for 8 oz) shaving cream!

I can't certify that this stuff works as well for non-shower shavers, but I'll bet it does. 

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